
Catalog No: CFN00402

Petasitenine and neopetasitenine show strong hepatotoxic activity.
Catalog No: CFN00407

Retrorsine selectively inhibits hepatocyte proliferation and following liver injury evokes small hepatocyte-like progenitor cells.OCT1 mediates the liver-specific uptake of Retrorsine, and plays an important role in Retrorsine-induced hepatotoxicity together with CYP3A4. Consequently, the OCT1 inhibitors could be applied to protect the liver from the toxicity of Retrorsine.
Catalog No: CFN00417

Senecionine (SEN) is a representative of the hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids.
Senecionine N-oxide
Catalog No: CFN00418

Senecionine N-oxide and senecionine have hepatotoxic activity, no antifertility effects in MeOH extract-treated hamsters.
Catalog No: CFN00421

Riddelline is a potent genotoxic agent in vitro and induces significant elevations in unscheduled DNA synthesis and S-phase synthesis in rat liver.