
Catalog No: CFN00289

Lasiocarpine has antimitotic action,it has hepatocarcinogenicity, the effect can be better explained by its strong selection (promotion) influence on initiated hepatocytes, rather than by its very weak initiating activity.
Catalog No: CFN00297

Otonecine-type PA induces hepatotoxicity, the formation of an unstable pyrrolic ester plays a key role.
Usnic acid
Catalog No: CFN97236

Usnic acid has antitumoral, acaricidal, larvicidal, antiviral, antibiotic, antipyretic, analgesic,gastroprotective, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities. Use of reconstituted bovine type-I collagen-based films containing usnic acid can improve burn healing process in rats. Usnic acid perturbs various interrelated signaling pathways and that autophagy induction is a defensive mechanism against usnic acid-induced cytotoxicity; it disturbs calcium homeostasis, induces ER stress, and that Usnic acid-induced cellular damage occurs at least partially via activation of the Ca(2+) channel of SOCE.
Catalog No: CFN00344

Adonifoline is a hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid.
Catalog No: CFN00351

Isoline can induce different oxidative injury in various important mouse organs, and of which liver is the most sensitive organ. Isoline decreases the cellular GSH and the ratio of GSH and oxidizes glutathione in a time- and concentration-dependent manner in L-02 cells. l-Buthionine-(S, R)-sulfoximine (BSO) and mercaptosuccinic acid (MA), inhibitors of GCL and GPx, both augmented Isoline-induced cytotoxicity in cultured mice hepatocytes.