Anisodus tanguticus (Maxim.) Pascher

Anisodus tanguticus is a species of flowering plant in the family Solanaceae which includes many important agricultural plants. It is mostly found growing in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. A. tanguticus are collected and used mostly for its medicinal effects thought to be derived from the plants biologically active nicotine and tropane alkaloids.
Anisodamine and anisodine are two drugs that are derived from A. tanguticus. These are primarily from the plant's tropane alkaloids that are harvested through its roots. Both drugs are anticholinergic and are sometimes used to treat acute circulatory shock. These drugs primarily act through by being an anticholinergic agent.
A. tanguticus is mainly distriubuted on the Tibetan Plateau. It is present from altitudes from 2800 m to 4200 m. The population of A. tanguticus has decreased significantly from this region due to extensive collecting primarily due to its medicinal uses.

Research products of this plants

Catalog No: CFN98200
CAS No: 51-34-3
Price: Inquiry(

Catalog No: CFN97494
CAS No: 92-61-5
Price: $30/20mg
Scopolamine hydrobromide

Catalog No: CFN99709
CAS No: 114-49-8
Price: $30/20mg
Scopolamine butylbromide

Catalog No: CFN98158
CAS No: 149-64-4
Price: $30/20mg

Catalog No: CFN00198
CAS No: 55869-99-3
Price: Inquiry(
Hyoscyamine sulfate hydrate

Catalog No: CFN90713
CAS No: 620-61-1
Price: $30/20mg

Catalog No: CFN00232
CAS No: 101-31-5
Price: $40/20mg