Veratrum grandiflorum Loes.

Veratrum album Linnaeus var. grandiflorum Maximowicz ex Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 471. 1879; V. bracteatum Batalin var. tibeticum Loesener; V. puberulum Loesener.
Plants stout, to 1.5 m tall, basally with non-reticulate fibers formed from disintegrated sheaths. Leaves cauline, sessile, basally clasping; leaf blade broadly elliptic to oblong-lanceolate, 10--15(--26) × 6--9(--16) cm, abaxially densely brown or gray pubescent, apex obtuse-rounded or acuminate. Panicle 20--50 cm; lateral branches suberect or spreading at an acute angle, 5--10(--14) cm; terminal raceme ca. 2 × as long as lateral ones. Pedicel 2--3(--5) mm, shorter than bracts, sometimes densely pubescent. Tepals greenish white, broadly oblong or elliptic, 1.1--1.7 cm × ca. 6 mm, base slightly clawed, margin erose-denticulate, apex obtuse; outer tepals densely pubescent abaxially, particularly in proximal part. Stamens 6--10 mm. Ovary subconical, densely pubescent. Capsule 1.5--2.5 × 1--1.5 cm. Fl. and fr. Jul--Aug. 2 n = 32*.

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