Polygonum tinctorium Ait.

''Persicaria tinctoria (Aiton) H.Gross'' (syn. Persicaria tinctoria (Aiton) Spach, formerly known as Polygonum tinctorum L. , Polygonum tinctorium Aiton, Polygonum tinctorium Lour., Ampelygonum tinctorium (Aiton) Steud., Pogalis tinctoria (Aiton) Raf.) is Chinese indigo, a plant of the Buckwheat family that is found from Eastern Europe to East Asia, and whose leaves were the source of blue dye called Indigo dye. This plant will grow in sandy, loamy and heavy clay soils, and is pH tolerant, growing well in acid and alkaline soils.
It was already in use in the Western Zhou period, and was the most important blue dye in East Asia until the arrival of Indigofera from the south.
A water-soluble extract of fermented Polygonumtinctorium Aiton (Polygonaceae) called Sukumo, exhibited a potent inhibitory activity against HIV type 1 in vitro.
Research products of this plants

Catalog No: CFN99992
CAS No: 482-89-3
Price: $40/20mg

Catalog No: CFN90239
CAS No: 479-41-4
Price: $40/20mg

Catalog No: CFN98838
CAS No: 520-18-3
Price: $30/20mg

Catalog No: CFN90150
CAS No: 16290-07-6
Price: $268/5mg

Catalog No: CFN99830
CAS No: 17650-84-9
Price: $80/20mg

Catalog No: CFN99916
CAS No: 83-46-5
Price: $40/20mg