Heteropappus altaicus (Willd.) Novopokr.

Heteropappus altaicus is a root sucker type perennial herbaceous clonal plant of compositae. The age structure of its modules on the weedy meadow in Songnen Plain of China was studied by a method, in which, age class was compartmentalized according to the propagared generations in bud section of taproot. The results showed that both ramets and buds of the clonal population consisted of 4 age classes. The flowers of Heteropappus altaicus (willd.) Novopokr. are used as Mongolian medicine to clean heat and expel miasma, relieve inflammation, treat extravasated plague, influenza, measles, scarlatina, hot blood,“Paori” heat and so on.
The aerial parts of Heteropappus altaicus afforded, in addition to more widespread compounds and known clerodane derivatives, three new ones and a seco-clerodane acid.
A new compound, named heteraltaic acid was isolated from the flowers of Heteropappus altaicus (willd) Novopokr.

Research products of this plants
Caryophyllene oxide

Catalog No: CFN99239
CAS No: 1139-30-6
Price: $40/20mg

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Price: $80/20mg