
Catalog No: CFN98711

Brazilin exhibits cancer preventive, anti-hepatotoxicity, antiplatelet activity, and anti-inflammatory activities, it also inhibits UVB-induced MMP-1/3 expressions and secretions by suppressing of NF-κB activation in human dermal fibroblasts, thus, it might be used as a potential agent for treatment of UV-induced skin photoaging. Brazilin has anti-IKK activity, can selectively disrupt proximal IL-1 receptor signaling complex formation by targeting an IKK-upstream signaling components. Brazilin induces vasorelaxation by the increasing intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in endothelial cells of blood vessels and hence activating Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent NO synthesis.
Catalog No: CFN98723

Damnacanthal possesses anti-cancer, immunomodulatory, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory actions, it can treat or prevent hepatocellular carcinoma through its inhibitory effects on the HGF/c-Met axis. Damnacanthal inhibits mast cell activation induced by different stimuli and open a new window for the use of this compound as a mast cell stabilizer. Damnacanthal can inhibit the NF-κB/receptor-interacting protein-2/caspase-1 signal pathway by inhibiting p56lck tyrosine kinase.
Catalog No: CFN98724

Bergenin is a potent antinarcotic agent, has antiviral ,antifungal, antiarrhythmic, antitumor, antiinflammatory, potent immunomodulatory, antitussive, antiulcerogenic,anti-plasmodial, anti-hepatotoxic and wound healing activities. Bergenin has antidiabetic activity, could be classified as a new group of α-glucosidase inhibitors. Bergenin reduces the expression of NO, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 proinflammatory cytokines by inhibiting the activation of the NF-κB and MAPKs signaling pathways, and it may represent a novel treatment strategy for mastitis.
Catalog No: CFN98756

Kaempferitrin exerts immunostimulatory, antidepressant-like , antiosteoporotic , cytotoxic and antitumor effects, the general mechanisms include cell cycle arrest in G1 phase and apoptosis via intrinsic pathway in a caspase dependent pathway. Kaempferitrin is an acute lowering effect on blood glucose in diabetic rats and to stimulate the glucose uptake percentile, as efficiently as insulin in muscle from normal rats.
Kynurenic acid
Catalog No: CFN90072

Kynurenic acid, a natural metabolite of tryptophan via the kynurenine pathway, is a broad-spectrum excitatory amino acid antagonist; It proved to be an antagonist at NMDA, kainate and AMPA receptors.Kynurenic acid is the endogenous α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, it has an immunomodulating effect, it can modulate amyloid-β-induced inflammation in BV-2 microglial cells.