
Catalog No: CFN90628

Asarinin, a mammalian lignan precursor, has immunosuppression activity and can inhibit acute rejection in vitro. Asarinin may have a role on TLR4 pathway and produce prolongation of allograft heart survival. Asarinin induces dopamine biosynthesis via activation of the PKA-CREB-TH system and protects against 6-OHDA-induced cytotoxicity by inhibiting the sustained activation of the ERK-p38MAPK-JNK1/2-caspase-3 system in PC12 cells.
Homogentisic acid
Catalog No: CFN93816

Homogentisic acid is the primary precursor of melanin synthesis in Vibrio cholerae, a Hyphomonas strain, and Shewanella colwelliana. Homogentisic acid shows interesting antioxidant and antiradical activities, and protective effect against thermal-cholesterol degradation. A derivative of homogentisic acid which inhibits Pfnek-1 with an IC(50) around 1.8 muM, this product is moderately active in vitro against a FcB1 P. falciparum strain (IC(50) = 12 muM).
Catalog No: CFN90787

Clerosterol as a precursor of cyasterone, isocyasterone and 29-norcyasterone in biosynthesis of phytoecdysteroids of Ajuga hairy roots. Clerosterol exerts its cytotoxic effect in A2058 human melanoma cells by caspases-dependent apoptosis.
Catalog No: CFN93151

Glucoraphanin, the bioprecursor of the widely extolled chemopreventive agent sulforaphane found in broccoli, it has antioxidant activity, it induces phase-I xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes and increases free radical generation in rat liver. Glucoraphanin can ameliorates obesity and insulin resistance through adipose tissue browning and reduction of metabolic endotoxemia in mice. Glucoraphanin and Glucoerucin effectively act as antagonists for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, and this may contribute to their established chemoprevention potency.
Catalog No: CFN93103

The starting 1-phenylbutane-1,3-dione is used as key intermediate for the synthesis of several new thiophene and pyrazole derivatives.